Graphic Design, User Experience Design, Apparel & Editorial Design
Having partnered with several companies and agencies, I have worked in Graphic Design , Editorial Design and Branding for companies such as: Gillette (Ecuador), La-Roche Possay, Toyota (Ecuador), KJM Ministries, and independent artists.
Skills Involved:
Adobe Certified Training, Color Theory, Branding, Typography, User Research, Trends Research, Affinitization, User Testing, Conceptualizing, Co-Creation and Prototyping, alongside Design Thinking parameters and Innovation Strategy.
Design Thinking Processes involve a Human-Centered Vision, and Creating Momentum from the value of visual functionality.
With a minor in Graphic Design, I have ventured into creation with purpose, by understanding the user needs and the creation of a sensory experience.
Empathize: To develop contextual research in order to understand the user's needs.
Define: Data & Insights Translation. Problem framing.
Ideate: Co-Creation workshops, concept creation, user personas, customer journey.
Prototype: Mock-ups and functionality outlines.
Test: case scenarios, user testing workshops, feedback.
Delivery: Implementation & execution.
Key Takeaways
Story-Telling is a key aspect to every design and project intended. Every design has a story to tell.
Realizing the "Why", is the main asset for creation with purpose and effective functionality.
I feel now more confident about managing Design Thinking tools and collaboration workshops.
Tools: Figma, Miro, Adobe Illustrator (Certified Associate Designer), Adobe Photoshop.